Hair Transplant Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ

“Frequently Asked Questions”

Hair Transplant Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ

Of course, we stand by you from start to finish in your own language. We are clear, explicit, and you will receive all the information you need during your treatment. On this page, you can find the questions that are frequently asked to us. If you still want more clarity or if your question is not listed, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.

What causes hair loss?

There are many reasons that cause hair loss. The first thing you need to do is correctly diagnose the cause of hair loss. Some factors that cause hair loss are:

Hereditary Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is one of the most common causes of hair loss. This condition can be genetically passed down through your mother’s or father’s side of the family, but you are more likely to inherit it from the maternal side. This type of hair loss is usually caused by the hormone DHT.

Age-Related Hair Loss

Aging is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Hair that falls out at a young age can easily be replaced by new hair, but as you get older, this process slows down.

Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Hormonal shifts caused by birth control pills, pregnancy, and childbirth can lead to hair loss. Women may also experience hair loss due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The presence of numerous cysts in the ovaries can cause hormonal imbalances in women, resulting in hair loss.

Stress-Related Hair Loss

It has been scientifically proven that hair loss can be associated with stress and anxiety. Unless there is another underlying medical reason for hair loss, it should return to normal within a few months once your stress levels normalize. If you are experiencing hair loss, the first thing you should do is get your stress levels under control.

If you are dealing with hair loss and are considering a hair transplant or want more information about it, we recommend contacting us for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

The legal age to undergo a hair transplant is 18 years. However, patients are generally expected to be at least 20 years old for a beard transplant. This is because beard hair continues to grow until the mid to late 20s.

Will the hair I have lost now grow back?

When it comes to regrowing lost hair, the first step is to determine the type and amount of hair loss the person is experiencing. Various treatments can help in regrowing your hair, either through natural or medical-dermatological means.

However, if you are experiencing male pattern baldness (MPB) due to hormonal factors, you cannot naturally regrow your hair.

Does a hair transplant make the hair thicker?

Yes, as a result of a hair transplant, denser and tighter hair is achieved. The hair of most hair transplant patients will appear thinner in the first 3 months after the procedure and then gradually become thicker and fuller. The goal of a hair transplant is to permanently restore the hair, so that the patient does not experience further hair loss in the future.

Does it make sense to take vitamins or supplements for hair loss?

In most cases, hair loss is caused by DHT, the hormone testosterone in the body. Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in this. If the cause of your hair loss is related to vitamins, a simple blood test can provide clarity on this matter.

Is there a possibility that the transplanted hairs may not stay in place or also fall out?

Thanks to the latest technologies in hair transplantation, the pain felt during the operation is almost negligible. There may be mild pain as your scalp heals after the procedure, but it is much less severe than with other surgical interventions. At Mercure, we can show you that you have nothing to fear. Here are a few reasons for this.

Hair transplantation is usually performed under local anesthesia, so you don’t feel pain. Since 2015, Mercure has started using sedation in hair transplantation to provide a more comfortable experience for its patients during the operation. With hair transplantation combined with sedation, the patient remains awake without feeling any discomfort, so they will not feel the processes of graft removal, creating the recipient area, and transplantation.

Hair transplant surgeons numb the parts of your scalp that need to be worked on. Local anesthesia rarely causes complications, and you stay awake during the procedure. Also, every patient is different, and some people have higher pain thresholds than others. Therefore, it would not be accurate to establish an exact pain level for this procedure. However, Mercure Istanbul performs operations that are tailored to each patient.

Recovery process after the treatment

After the procedure, patients may feel mild pain as the scalp heals, but usually, patients experience little or no pain during and after hair transplantation. If swelling occurs, it is advisable to use an ice pack on the swollen areas. Most patients say that swelling after the operation causes little discomfort.

Cases of swelling other than what is normally seen can also vary, but almost all patients recover within a week. The recovery time after the operation varies from person to person. For example, one person may experience only a few days of discomfort, while another may experience scalp pain for a week

How to prevent hair loss during pregnancy?

Pregnant women experience some changes in their hair due to elevated levels of the hormone estrogen. This hormone also affects the hair follicles. Sometimes, aside from hormonal changes during pregnancy, hair loss can occur for various reasons. Hair loss during pregnancy or after childbirth is usually not a significant issue; as it is a temporary condition and returns to normal shortly after giving birth.

Does thinning hair grow back?

The first thing that needs to be determined is the primary cause of hair loss. Stress levels, lifestyle, or medical conditions are just a few of the reasons for hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss in both men and women is that sex hormones cause hair to fall out in a specific pattern. Although male or female pattern baldness can be permanent, there are some precautions you can take to slow down the process. If the cause of thinning is temporary, your hair may grow back after thinning. To stop thinning caused by stress, relieving stress and restoring hormonal balance may be the solution to hormonal wastage. If your hair is thinning due to genetic reasons or a condition such as alopecia, the thinning is usually permanent.

Is a hair transplant a painful procedure?

Dankzij de nieuwste technologieën op het gebied van haartransplantatie is de pijn die tijdens de operatie wordt gevoeld bijna nihil. Er kan lichte pijn worden gevoeld als uw hoofdhuid na de ingreep geneest, maar dit is veel minder ernstig dan bij andere chirurgische ingrepen. Bij Mercure kunnen we u laten zien dat u niets te vrezen heeft. Hier zijn een paar redenen voor.


Haartransplantatie wordt meestal uitgevoerd onder plaatselijke verdoving, zodat u geen pijn voelt. Vanaf 2015 is Mercure begonnen met het gebruik van de haartransplantatietechniek met sedatie om haar patiënten een comfortabeler gevoel te geven tijdens de operatie. Bij haartransplantatie in combinatie met sedatie blijft de patiënt wakker zonder enig ongemak te voelen, dus ze zullen de processen voor het verwijderen van het transplantaat, het creëren van het ontvangergebied en de transplantatie niet voelen.


Haartransplantatieartsen verdoven de delen van uw hoofdhuid waaraan moet worden gewerkt. Lokale anesthesie veroorzaakt zelden complicaties en u blijft tijdens de procedure wakker. Ook is elke patiënt anders en hebben sommige mensen hogere pijndrempels dan anderen. Daarom zou het niet nauwkeurig zijn om een ​​exact pijnniveau voor deze procedure in te stellen. Mercure İstanbul voert echter operaties uit die voor elke patiënt zijn voorbereid.


Herstelproces na de behandeling


Na de procedure kunnen patiënten milde pijn voelen als de hoofdhuid geneest, maar meestal ervaren patiënten weinig of geen pijn tijdens en na de haartransplantatie. Als er zwelling optreedt, is het raadzaam om een ​​ijspak te gebruiken op de gezwollen gebieden. De meeste patiënten zeggen dat zwelling na de operatie weinig ongemak veroorzaakt.


Gevallen van andere zwelling dan wat normaal wordt gezien, kunnen ook variëren, maar bijna alle patiënten herstellen binnen een week. De hersteltijd na de operatie verschilt van persoon tot persoon. Bijvoorbeeld; de ene persoon kan slechts een paar dagen ongemak ervaren, terwijl een ander gedurende een week hoofdhuidpijn kan ervaren.

How many hair follicles does 2000 grafts equate to?

The term graft, commonly used in the terminology of hair transplantation, refers to a “hair root.” An average graft typically contains 2 or 3 hairs. 2000 grafts comprise approximately 5000 to 6500 hair follicles. Calculating the number of grafts in a hair transplant is a crucial step to determine the number of follicles needed to cover the area where hair loss occurs.

The total number of grafts required for a hair transplant can vary significantly based on the hair characteristics of the candidate, hair density, laxity of the scalp, the area to be covered, facial features, and overall aesthetic choices. However, the minimum number of grafts needed for hair transplantation typically averages between 2000-3000 grafts.

Can you transplant hair from someone else?

No, you can only get hair from your identical twin. This is because hair follicles contain living cells, and everyone has unique genetic codes embedded in them. Therefore, if your body encounters someone else’s genetic code through transplanted hair, it rejects it.

Can a hair transplant fail?

It can be said that the percentage of failed hair transplants is very low, provided that the ideal hair transplant method for the patient is chosen, the patient’s health is good, and the doctor follows pre- and post-operative instructions. When hair transplantation is performed by an experienced doctor and a professional team, the results will inevitably be natural and visible. Achieving the best results from hair transplantation depends on proper planning. Determining the hairline in harmony with the patient’s facial features is the key step in planning. However, the patient’s hair quality and hair density in the donor area are also factors that influence the results of the procedure.

While hair transplant procedures in the past resulted in an unnatural appearance, hair transplantation is now performed using FUE and DHI techniques, which stand out as hair transplant methods developed with the latest technology.

The reasons for the failure of hair transplantation can be summarized as follows:

Improper use of grafts

The most important part of hair transplantation is correctly determining the number of grafts that can be transplanted from one area of the scalp to another. Therefore, at Mercure Istanbul, we make extra efforts to minimize every risk and achieve the maximum possible result from each transplanted and extracted graft. Improper use of grafts is one of the most common causes of hair transplant failure because grafts can also die after the procedure due to shock or trauma. Additionally, the correct planting of grafts is crucial and requires special expertise that takes a long time to acquire.

Not being the right candidate for hair transplantation

If you are not a suitable candidate, undergoing a hair transplant can result in the failure of the hair transplant in the future. If you undergo a hair transplant at a clinic that does not analyze your type of hair loss and future hair loss, you may encounter an unnatural hair transplant in a few years.

How long is the lifespan of hair transplanted through a hair transplant?

Thanks to the grafts extracted from the genetically non-shedding part of the hair (donor area), the transplanted hair is permanently lifelong. If the procedure is performed by a skilled surgeon, and proper postoperative care is followed, hair transplantation is a lifelong process. When performed by an experienced hair transplant specialist, hair transplantation lasts a lifetime. In cases of hereditary baldness, your hair retains the characteristics of where it is taken, regardless of where it is placed on the scalp. Therefore, hair transplantation is the only permanent solution for hair loss.

Because the hair follicles are extracted from an area resistant to hair loss, the scalp accepts the transplanted roots. As a result of the operation, the hair will grow very naturally, and the new hair will exhibit the same characteristics as the hair in that area. Doctors preferably extract hair transplants from the back of the patient’s head (neck area). The reason for this is that the hair follicles on the back of the head are genetically resistant to hair loss. Therefore, they do not lose this genetic characteristic even when planted in the recipient area of the patient.

Are there any disadvantages to a hair transplant?

As hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, there can be both advantages and disadvantages during the operation. Some individuals may obtain unsatisfactory results that they never expected. If the surgery is poorly planned or performed by amateur surgeons or unqualified doctors, there is a high chance of damaging the hair. The first thing to pay attention to is the correct collection and removal of the hair to be transplanted. Excessive collection of hair follicles wears out the donor area and can cause an uneven appearance of the hair. Knowing how much hair can be removed from the donor area is something only an experienced doctor would know. The primary donor area in hair transplantation is the neck region. The condition of the scalp in this area significantly determines the capacity of the operation. There is a safe amount of grafts that can be taken from the neck donor area; although this number varies from patient to patient, it ranges between 4,000 and 5,000 grafts in an average session. If the operation requires a larger number of grafts, a second surgery is planned. The reason for this is to ensure that the patient achieves maximum results with minimal damage. If hair follicles are extracted in one session beyond the safe limits from the neck area, it can result in a neck losing its natural appearance after the surgery.

Is it useful to apply baking soda to the hair?

The use of baking soda for hair care may work for some people. Baking soda is believed to cleanse, revitalize, and soften the hair. However, some individuals have reported that using baking soda for a few months caused their hair to become dry, frizzy, damaged, and dull. We do not recommend it.

Can a hair transplant be performed using hair taken from the body?

An more intensive hair transplant can be performed by using body hair as a source of hair, aside from the traditionally used donor area from the back of the neck. This is referred to as body hair transplant. Follicles used from areas outside the neck can be extracted from various regions within the transplant area. These, in order of priority, include the beard area, chest area, and other parts of the body (back, legs, etc.). The quantity of hair in the donor area is the most crucial factor in hair transplantation. Candidates with insufficient hair in this area may need additional donor hair sources. Body hair transplantation can serve as an alternative method for candidates lacking sufficient hair supply in the donor area. For instance, if the hair in the donor area at the back of the head is not adequate to cover all the desired areas, hairs from different parts of the patient’s body can also be used to achieve a more successful hair transplant. After beard hair, body hair can be considered as a third source of graft recipients for candidates seeking a hair transplant. If grafts from the back of the head or the beard area are still not sufficient for transplantation, chest hair can be regarded as a good source of hair follicles for the procedure. There are two main reasons why body hair is considered the third additional donor area in hair transplantation. The first reason is that body hair grafts, especially chest hair, have a similar structure to beard grafts; they are thick and contain one or two hair follicles. The second reason is that the anagen phase of body hair is much shorter; body hair tends to be short. Therefore, hair grafts from the chest cannot be used for the frontal part of the hair.

Can I travel with an ID card or with a passport?

You can travel with either an ID card or a passport, but it must still be valid for at least six months.

Do the surgeons speak Dutch?

No, the surgeons speak Turkish or English. For this purpose, a Dutch hostess has been appointed, and she will translate everything. You will not be left alone anywhere without one of our staff members who speaks your language.

Hair Transplantation

Can a hair transplant fail?

The percentage of hair transplants that fail can be considered low, provided that the patient is in good health, follows the pre- and post-operative instructions of the doctor, and the most ideal hair transplant method is chosen. When a hair transplant is performed by an experienced doctor and a professional team, the results will inevitably look natural. Achieving good results from a hair transplant depends on proper planning. We can explain ‘proper planning’ as determining the hairline to be in harmony with the patient’s facial lines. However, the patient’s hair quality and hair density in the donor area are also important factors that influence the results of the procedure. In the first years of practice, hair transplant procedures can result in an unnatural and pluggy look. Today, hair transplantation is performed using the FUE and DHI techniques, both of which stand out as the most modern hair transplant methods. The reasons behind the failure of a hair transplant are as follows: Improper handling of grafts: The crucial part of your hair transplant is having enough grafts to transplant from one part of the scalp to another. For this reason, at Mercure Istanbul, we make extra efforts to minimize any risks and ensure that we get the maximum result from each transplanted and harvested graft. Improper use of grafts is one of the most common causes of hair transplant failure, as they can also die due to shock or trauma after the procedure. Proper placement of hair grafts is also crucial and requires a special skill that takes a long time to acquire. Not being an ideal candidate for a hair transplant: Undergoing a hair transplant when you are not a suitable candidate can lead to the failure of your hair transplant in the future. If you undergo a transplant at a clinic that does not examine your current hair loss situation and assess future hair loss, you may end up with a hair transplant that does not look great in a few years.

Can a hair transplant make the hair thicker?

Yes, it can. In most patients who undergo a hair transplant, their hair may appear thinner in the first 3 months after the procedure and then gradually grow back thicker and fuller. The result of a hair transplant is permanently denser hair, provided that the patient does not experience further hair loss in the future. Hair transplantation involves minimal risk as it is a minimally invasive procedure, providing more volume to your hair and giving you a more youthful appearance within almost a year. After your procedure, it typically takes 12 to 15 months to see the final results.

Is it worth undergoing a hair transplant?

That is a resounding yes! Investing in a hair transplant provides a lasting and natural result. If you have a receding hairline or diffuse hair loss and want to address it, a hair transplant can be a potential remedy for your condition. When performed by an experienced, skilled surgeon and a highly trained medical team, a hair transplant can restore your hairline and give you back the volume and thickness your hair had in the past. Hair loss affects thousands of people, both men and women. While hereditary hair loss is the most common cause, it can also result from a variety of other factors, including hormones, nutrient deficiencies, or stress. A hair transplant provides a permanent result. The hair follicles used from the “donor area” would be genetically resistant, meaning that even in the case of male pattern baldness or other genetic conditions, the hair in that area will not fall out. When the follicles are transplanted to their new location, they retain their resistance to loss. This means that you will have a full head of hair (or beard, mustache, or eyebrows) for the rest of your life. When you lose your hair, it affects your appearance. It not only impacts how you see yourself but can also influence how others perceive you. Hair transplantation can significantly enhance your appearance. A transplant can also make you look younger and feel much more attractive.

Can you be too bald for a hair transplant?

The Norwood Scale is a classification system used to measure the stages of male pattern baldness. Each stage is assigned a number, and the higher the number, the more evident the hair loss. Stage 6-7 on the Norwood Scale is considered the most severe stage of male pattern baldness, and men at this level may not be eligible for a hair transplant. During a hair transplant, hair from a donor area of the scalp is transplanted to the balding areas the patient wishes to cover. This means there must be sufficient hair available for use in this process. In stages 6-7, there is often insufficient donor hair present. Therefore, a hair transplant may not be feasible. However, this does not mean that a hair transplant with this degree of hair loss is always impossible. It usually depends entirely on the patient, the specialist, and the potential donor area.

Can your body reject a hair transplant?

There are some instances where the physiology of the patient can be responsible for poor hair transplant results. However, this rarely occurs and is usually challenging to distinguish from human errors. According to various studies conducted worldwide, a hair transplant being simply “rejected” by the body, when not the result of an external error, is typically caused by Lichen Planopilaris (LPP) post-transplantation. LPP is an inflammatory scalp condition that usually results in patchy hair loss. Fortunately, these percentages are low and of theoretical nature. In the hands of an experienced hair transplant surgeon and medical team, hair transplantation is a very safe and successful procedure. More importantly, the likelihood of the body developing a condition and “rejecting” a hair transplant is extremely low.

Is an FUE hair transplant permanent?

An FUE hair transplant is an effective and permanent solution for people experiencing hair loss. What makes a hair transplant a permanent solution is that the hair follicles to be transplanted are extracted from parts of the head that are genetically resistant to balding, known as the ‘safe donor area.’ This area is located at the back of the head, a few centimeters above the neck. The ‘safe donor area’ defines an area where there is no progression of permanent hair loss. To better understand the logic behind the ‘safe donor area,’ we want to refer to a theory called ‘Donor Dominance,’ proposed by Dr. Norman Orentreich in 1952. According to Orentreich, when transplanted scalp tissue produced healthy hair in an area where hair could no longer grow, he assumed that the physical characteristics of hair follicles from the donor zone were dominant over the physical characteristics of the original scalp tissue. This implies that when hair follicles from these regions are extracted and transplanted to areas in need of coverage, they will exhibit the same bald-resistant properties and, therefore, remain intact and not fall out.

Should I stop using medications I regularly take before the treatment?

Firstly, you should inform your general practitioner about the hair transplant, and once you have obtained permission to temporarily stop taking your medication, you should cease your medication approximately three days before the hair transplant. Please inform us in advance of the hair transplant about your current health condition and the medications (if any) you are taking.

How many months after the hair transplant will I see results?

Patients typically can expect new hair growth within five to six months after the procedure. By 12 months, you will see the final result of your hair transplant. You’ll achieve a look of more density, length, and thickness in your hair. In 4-5 months, the regrowth rate will increase, and by the 6th month, you will notice half of the result with clear changes. You will also observe that the newly transplanted hair has significantly thickened. Around 4-5 days after the surgery, the hair in the transplanted area starts to shed, and this will continue for 2-3 months. After that, new permanent hair will begin to grow. In conclusion, you will gradually start seeing results after 2-3 months, but for the final result, you need to wait for 12 months. However, rest assured, the wait is worth it.

How many hair follicles does 2000 grafts correspond to?

The term “graft,” commonly used in hair transplant terminology, means “hair root.” An average graft typically contains 2 or 3 hairs. 2000 grafts contain approximately 5000 to 6500 hair follicles. Calculating the number of grafts in a hair transplant is a crucial step in determining the follicle count needed to cover the area where hair loss is occurring. The total number of grafts required for a hair transplant can vary significantly based on the candidate’s hair characteristics, hair density, laxity of the scalp, the area to be covered, facial features, and overall aesthetic choices. However, the minimum number of grafts needed for a hair transplant generally averages between 2000-3000 grafts.

Can you transplant hair from someone else?

No, you can’t get hair from anyone else except your identical twin. This is because hair follicles contain living cells, and everyone has unique genetic codes embedded in them. Therefore, if your body encounters someone else’s genetic code through transplanted hair, it rejects it.

What are the disadvantages of hair transplantation?

“Some people may experience an unsatisfactory result that they never expected. If poorly planned or performed by amateur surgeons or unqualified physicians, this is likely to result in damaged hair. The first thing to watch out for is the harvesting and extraction stages. Overharvesting can deplete the donor area and make healthy hair appear patchy. Knowing how much hair can be taken from the donor area is something an experienced doctor already understands. For a natural-looking result, it’s crucial that doctors implant at the right angle and in the right direction. The primary source of donor hair used in hair transplantation is the back of the neck. The condition of the hair in this area largely determines the surgery’s capacity. The grafts that can be extracted from the neck are limited. While this number varies from patient to patient, it averages between 4000 and 5000 grafts in a single session. If more grafts need to be implanted for the surgery, a second operation can be planned. The reason for this is to ensure that the patient achieves maximum results with minimal damage to their scalp. If the number of follicles extracted in a single session from the neck area is exceeded, it can lead to an unnatural appearance of the neck area after the surgery.

What is an FUE hair transplant?

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a revolutionary advancement for people experiencing hair loss. This treatment can serve as a significant alternative to traditional hair transplantation. The FUE hair transplant procedure is a technique where the required amount of hair, called follicular unit grafts, is extracted from the donor areas of the patient and then transplanted into the balding or thinning parts of the patient’s scalp. Instead of performing the conventional strip excision method, each of the individual follicular unit grafts is harvested from the patient’s donor area using micro motors with special leads. Depending on the quantity the transplant patient receives, the process can take approximately 4 to 8 hours. An FUE hair transplant provides a natural-looking appearance, while the donor area at the back of the head largely remains unchanged. After the surgery, there is no postoperative scar. One of the advantages of this method is that FUE does not require stitching. In summary, FUE hair transplantation is a long-lasting, natural-looking hair restoration treatment. As with any surgical procedure, it is important to choose a qualified doctor specialized in the field of surgical hair restoration.

What is the success rate of a hair transplant?

There are several key factors that significantly impact the success rate of a hair transplant procedure. If the procedure is performed in a reputable clinic with an experienced, qualified doctor, and highly trained medical staff, the success rate will be more than 90%. Although the success rate is quite high, it can still vary depending on the doctor’s experience, technical expertise, minimal trauma to the hair follicles, and postoperative care. Thanks to contemporary techniques at Mercure Istanbul, our success rate is around 95%.

What is better: DHI or FUE?

The choice between an FUE or DHI procedure depends on various factors such as the patient’s classification of hair loss, the size of the thinning area, and the amount of available donor hair. Since hair transplantation is a highly personal treatment, it is believed that the technique that best meets a patient’s expectations will yield the best results.

Both FUE and DHI are different types of hair transplant techniques that can help you achieve your desired look. However, there are certain differences between the FUE technique and the DHI technique. Therefore, it is important for an individual to know which of these hair transplant techniques is the best solution for a satisfactory appearance. Some of these differences can be summarized as follows:

The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, while the DHI method provides a better opportunity to achieve higher density in patients with less severe hair loss.

The main distinguishing feature of the DHI method compared to other hair transplant methods is that the DHI technique uses a pen-like medical instrument called “Choi implanter” that creates the recipient sites and simultaneously transplants the grafts.

The FUE method requires patients to have their heads completely shaved prior to the procedure, while the DHI method only requires the donor area to be shaved. This provides a significant advantage for female patients.

The DHI method requires more skill and experience than other hair transplant methods. This, in turn, requires doctors and medical teams to undergo an extensive training period to specialize in the use of this technique.

The DHI method has a faster recovery period and can be performed with less bleeding compared to the FUE method.

The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, while the DHI method provides a better opportunity to achieve higher density in less severe cases.

Why are hair transplants cheaper in Turkey compared to other countries?

The costs of hair transplantation in Turkey are lower than those offered in most countries worldwide due to low labor costs, a low cost of living, and currency devaluation. These factors, however, do not in any way impact the quality, which, thanks to comprehensive medical training, is nothing less than top-notch.


Can a hair transplant fail?

The success rate of hair transplants can be considered low, provided that the patient is in good health, follows the pre- and post-operative instructions of the doctor, and the most suitable hair transplant method is chosen. When a hair transplant is performed by an experienced doctor and a professional team, the results will inevitably look natural.

Obtaining good results from a hair transplant depends on proper planning. We can explain “proper planning” as determining the hairline to be in harmony with the patient’s facial lines. However, the hair quality of the patient and the hair density in the donor area are also important factors that influence the results of the procedure. In the early years of practice, hair transplant procedures can result in an unnatural and “pluggy” appearance.

Currently, hair transplantation is carried out with the FUE and DHI techniques, both of which are considered the most modern methods of hair transplantation.

The reasons behind the failure of a hair transplant are as follows:

  1. Mishandling of grafts:

The crucial part of your hair transplant is having enough grafts to transplant from one part of the scalp to another. For this reason, at Mercure Istanbul, we make extra efforts to minimize any risks and ensure that we get the maximum result from each transplanted and harvested graft. Mishandling grafts is one of the most common causes of hair transplant failure because they can die from shock or trauma after the procedure. Proper placement of hair grafts is also crucial, and this requires a special skill that takes a long time to acquire.

  1. Not being an ideal candidate for a hair transplant:

Undergoing a hair transplant when you are not a suitable candidate can lead to the failure of your hair transplant in the future. If you undergo a transplant at a clinic that does not examine your current hair loss situation and assess future hair loss, you may end up with a hair transplant that does not look great in a few years.

Can a hair transplant make hair thicker?

Yes, it can. In most patients who undergo a hair transplant, their hair will appear thinner in the first 3 months after the procedure, and then gradually grow thicker and fuller. The result of a hair transplant is permanently denser hair, provided that the patient does not experience further hair loss in the future. Hair transplantation involves minimal risk as it is a minimally invasive procedure that will add more volume to your hair, giving you a more youthful appearance within almost a year. Typically, it takes 12 to 15 months after the procedure to see the final results.

Can you be too bald for a hair transplant?

The Norwood Scale is a classification system used to measure the stages of male pattern baldness. Each stage is assigned a number, and the higher the number, the more pronounced the hair loss. Stages 6-7 on the Norwood Scale are considered the most severe stages of male pattern baldness, and individuals at this level may not be eligible for a hair transplant. During a hair transplant, hair is harvested from a donor area of the scalp and transplanted to the balding areas the patient wishes to address. This process requires a sufficient amount of available hair for transplantation. In stages 6-7, there is often inadequate donor hair available, making a hair transplant unfeasible. However, this does not mean that a hair transplant is always impossible with this degree of hair loss. It typically depends on the individual, the expertise of the specialist, and the potential donor area.

Do I have to stop taking medications that I take regularly before treatment?

Firstly, you should inform your general practitioner about the hair transplant. Once you have obtained permission to temporarily discontinue your medication, you should stop taking your medication approximately three days before the hair transplant. Please inform us in advance of your current health condition and the medications (if any) you are taking prior to the hair transplant.

How long does the FUE procedure take?

Depending on the amount of hair to be transplanted, an FUE hair transplant typically takes about 5 to 6 hours. The duration of the process depends on factors such as the density of the donor area, the thickness of the hair, and the area to be covered. A smaller procedure requiring only about 200 grafts can be completed in a few hours.

How many hair follicles are 2000 grafts?

The term “graft” is commonly used in the terminology of hair transplantation and refers to a “hair follicle.” An average graft typically contains 2 or 3 hair follicles. 2000 grafts usually consist of approximately 5000 to 6500 hair follicles. Calculating the number of grafts in a hair transplant involves examining the transplant area to determine the number of follicles needed to cover the hair loss in that area. The total number of grafts required for a hair transplant can vary significantly due to the considerable variability among patients regarding their unique hair characteristics, hair density, scalp laxity, the area to be covered, facial features, and overall aesthetic requirements. However, the minimum number of grafts needed for a hair transplant typically ranges around 2000-3000 grafts. The image above provides an estimate of the number of grafts you might need for a hair transplant based on your current classification level of hair loss.

Is a FUE hair transplant an effective and permanent solution for hair loss?

An FUE hair transplant is an effective and permanent solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. What makes a hair transplant a lasting solution is that the hair follicles to be transplanted are extracted from parts of the head that are genetically resistant to balding, known as the ‘safe donor area.’ This area is located at the back of the head, a few centimeters above the neck. The ‘safe donor area’ is defined as an area where there is no progression of permanent hair loss. To better understand the logic behind the ‘safe donor area,’ it is helpful to refer to a theory called ‘donor dominance,’ proposed by Dr. Norman Orentreich in 1952. According to Orentreich, when transplanted scalp tissue produced healthy hair in an area where hair could no longer grow, he assumed that the physical characteristics of hair follicles from the donor zone were dominant over the physical characteristics of the original scalp tissue. This implies that when hair follicles from these regions are extracted and transplanted to areas in need of coverage, they will exhibit the same bald-resistant properties and, as a result, remain intact and not fall out.

Is it worth getting a hair transplant?

Absolutely! Investing in a hair transplant ensures a permanent and natural result. If you have a receding hairline or diffuse hair loss and want to address it, a hair transplant can be a potential remedy for your condition. When performed by an experienced, skilled surgeon and highly trained medical staff, a hair transplant can restore your hairline and give you the volume and thickness your hair had in the past. Hair loss affects thousands of people, both men and women. While hereditary hair loss is the most common cause, it can also result from a variety of other factors, including hormones, nutrient deficiencies, or stress. A hair transplant provides lasting results. The hair follicles used from the “donor site” would be genetically resistant, meaning that even in the case of male pattern baldness or other genetic conditions, the hair in that area will not fall out. When the follicles are transplanted to their new location, they retain their resistance to loss. This means that you will have a full head of hair (or beard, mustache, or eyebrows) for the rest of your life. Losing your hair can impact your appearance. It not only affects how you see yourself but can also influence how others perceive you. Hair transplantation can significantly enhance your appearance. It can also make you look younger and feel much more attractive.

What is FUE hair transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a revolutionary advancement for individuals experiencing hair loss. This treatment can serve as a significant alternative to traditional hair transplantation. The FUE hair transplant procedure involves extracting the required amount of hair, called follicular unit grafts, from the patient’s donor areas and then transplanting them into the balding or thinning areas of the patient’s scalp. Instead of using the conventional strip excision method, each individual follicular unit graft is harvested from the patient’s donor area using micromotors with special leads. Depending on the quantity the transplant patient is receiving, the process can take approximately 4 to 8 hours. An FUE hair transplant provides a natural-looking appearance, while the donor area at the back of the head largely remains unchanged. After the operation, there is no postoperative scar. One of the benefits of this method is that FUE does not require stitches. In summary, FUE hair transplantation is a long-lasting, natural-looking hair restoration treatment. As with any surgical procedure, it is crucial to select a qualified physician specialized in the field of surgical hair restoration.

What is the best method for a hair transplant?

FUE and DHI are the two most popular methods used in hair transplantation. The classic FUE method involves a two-step process; first the recipient sites are created and then the grafts are transplanted. This two-step process can cause slight differences in angle and direction during the transplant process. In the DHI method, site creation and graft placement are performed simultaneously, i.e. extraction and transplantation are combined as part of a one-step process, embedding the extracted hair follicles directly into the recipient areas. As a result, there is complete control over depth, direction and angle of placement of each graft. Placing grafts in the Choi implanter and the transplantation process require extensive experience from the physician. Advantages of the DHI-Choi technique: Some of the benefits stated by some hair restoration experts include the following; Shorter time that the grafts remain outside the body, ensuring a strong and healthy placement of the grafts. Adequate survival rates of hair follicles. Reduced bleeding during creation of the recipient area. Less trauma while handling the graft, leading to less damage in the blood supply to the implanted area. Fast recovery during the postoperative phase, the patient can return to his/her normal routine more quickly. The recipient site does not need to be shaved as it is a more appropriate procedure that allows for this condition. Disadvantages of the DHI-Choi technique On the other hand, the disadvantages compared to the FUE method are; The doctor and staff are exposed to a lengthy period of training to specialize in the use of this technique. It is generally a more expensive procedure compared to other hair transplant methods. This method requires more attention and accuracy during the procedure. The two methods have advantages over each other, and the doctor must decide on the treatment of the patient and suggest which one is better. When DHI and FUE are ready with the right doctors and team, they are not much different from each other in terms of naturalness, except for their technical superiority.

What is the success rate of a FUE hair transplant?

There are numerous factors influencing the success rate of a hair transplant. Selecting a high-quality clinic and an experienced doctor working with a highly trained medical staff is considered one of the most critical factors. Success also depends on the extent of your hair loss, the availability of your donor area, and the type of procedure you undergo. If you meet the necessary standards for hair transplant treatments, a proficient surgeon with sufficient experience and skills can achieve a success rate of around 95%. FUE Hair Transplantation yields a success rate of approximately 95 to 100 percent. However, it is crucial to note that this expected success is contingent on the condition that the hair transplant doctor and their medical team performing the procedure are experienced and skilled in executing FUE procedures. Patients should understand that an FUE procedure may require multiple sessions to achieve a higher success rate and satisfactory hair transplant results.

What is better: DHI or FUE?

The choice between an FUE or DHI procedure depends on various factors, such as the patient’s classification of hair loss, the size of the thinning area, and the amount of available donor hair. Since hair transplantation is a highly personalized treatment, the technique that best meets a patient’s expectations is believed to yield the best results. Both FUE and DHI are different types of hair transplantation techniques that can help you achieve your desired look. However, there are certain differences between the FUE technique and the DHI technique. Therefore, it is important for an individual to know which of these hair transplantation techniques is the best solution for a satisfactory appearance. Some of these differences can be outlined as follows: The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, while the DHI method provides a better opportunity to achieve higher density in patients without severe hair loss. The main distinguishing feature of the DHI method compared to other hair transplantation methods is that the DHI technique uses a pen-like medical instrument called the “Choi implanter” that creates the recipient sites and simultaneously transplants the grafts. The FUE method requires patients to shave their heads completely before the procedure, while the DHI method only requires shaving the donor area. This provides a significant advantage for female patients. The DHI method requires more skill and experience than other hair transplantation methods. This, in turn, requires doctors and medical teams to undergo an extended training period to specialize in the use of this technique. The DHI method has a faster recovery period and can be performed with less bleeding compared to the FUE method. The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, while the DHI method provides a better opportunity to achieve higher density in less severe cases.

Why are hair transplants cheaper in Turkey compared to other countries?

The costs of hair transplantation in Turkey are lower than those offered in most countries worldwide due to low labor costs, a lower cost of living, and currency devaluation. These factors, in no way, affect the quality, which, thanks to extensive medical training, is nothing less than top-notch.


Can you be too bald for a hair transplant?

The Norwood Scale is a classification system used to measure the stages of male pattern baldness. Each stage is assigned a number, and the higher the number, the more pronounced the hair loss. Stage 6-7 on the Norwood Scale is considered the most severe stage of male baldness, and this may mean that men at this level may not qualify for a hair transplant. When undergoing a hair transplant, hair is transplanted from a donor area of the scalp to the balding areas that the patient wants to address. This means that there must be sufficient hair available for use in this process. In stages 6-7, there is often insufficient donor hair available. Therefore, a hair transplant may not be feasible. However, this does not necessarily mean that a hair transplant is always impossible with this degree of hair loss. It typically depends on the patient, the specialist, and the potential donor area.

Do I have to stop taking medications that I take regularly before treatment?

First, you should inform your general practitioner about the hair transplant, and once you have obtained permission to temporarily stop taking your medication, you should cease your medications approximately three days before the hair transplant. Inform us in advance of your current health condition and the medications (if applicable) you are using prior to the hair transplant.

How many months after a hair transplant will I see results?

Patients can typically expect new hair growth within five to six months after the procedure. The final result of your hair transplant will be visible over 12-15 months. You will achieve the appearance of more intense, longer, and thicker hair. In 4-5 months, the regrowth rate will increase, and by the 6th month, you will see half of the result and recognize some noticeable changes. You will also notice that the newly transplanted hair has become significantly thicker. However, it is essential to avoid scratching your scalp. Around 4-5 days after the operation, the hair in the transplanted area will begin to fall out, and this shedding phase will last for 2-3 months. After that, new permanent hair will start to grow. In conclusion, you will gradually start seeing results after 2-3 months, but when it comes to the final outcome, you should wait for 12-15 months. But don’t worry, it’s worth the wait.

Is a DHI hair transplant painful?

The answer is no. Thanks to the use of sedation under the direct supervision of our anesthesiologist, you will no longer feel pain during the administration of local anesthesia prior to the hair transplant. DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a hair transplant technique that utilizes a Choi implanter pen within the existing hair. The Choi Implanter provides the doctor with more control over the angle, direction, and depth of the hair transplant, resulting in a more natural appearance. DHI hair transplantation does not involve incision. As a result, the risk of infection is low, and the operation is less painful. While hair transplants are generally considered painless procedures, this new method will help our patients with needle phobia feel at ease, allowing them to relax during the procedure. With the DHI technique, the pain level that was minimal at that time is now completely eliminated. Moreover, due to the rapid recovery during the postoperative phase, the patient can return to their normal routine more quickly. So why is DHI considered superior? It is because it can be the most delicate hair transplant technique. DHI leaves no stitches or noticeable scars. A short recovery time is also a bonus.

What is the DHI-Choi method?

DHI is the latest method in hair transplantation procedures. The unique feature of the DHI implantation method (Direct Hair Implantation) is that during the operation, the creation of the recipient site and the implantation of the graft are performed simultaneously. Implantation is combined as part of a one or two-step process, where the extracted hair follicles are directly embedded into the recipient areas without the need to make channel incisions, using an implantation pen (Choi). The implantator/Choi Pen has a very thin and sharp fine point. This Choi needle with a fine point has the shape of a hollow needle, allowing the grafts to be inserted into the needle. Other unique features can be listed as follows: The DHI method requires more skill and experience than other hair transplantation methods. This, in turn, requires doctors and medical teams to undergo an extended training period to specialize in the use of this technique. The DHI method has a faster recovery period and can be performed with less bleeding compared to the FUE method. Thanks to the method of using a Choi implantation pen within the existing hair, doctors have more control over the angle, direction, and depth of the hair transplant, resulting in a more natural appearance. DHI hair transplantation does not involve incision. As a result, the risk of infection is low, and the operation is less painful. While hair transplants are generally considered painless procedures, this new method will help our patients with needle phobia feel at ease, allowing them to relax during the procedure. Another distinguishing feature of this technique is that the pain level that was minimal at that time is now completely eliminated. Moreover, due to the rapid recovery during the postoperative phase, the patient can return to their normal routine more quickly.

What is better: DHI or FUE?

The choice between an FUE or DHI procedure depends on various factors such as the patient’s classification of hair loss, the size of the thinning area, and the amount of available donor hair. Since hair transplantation is a highly personalized treatment, it is believed that the technique that best meets a patient’s expectations yields the best results. Both FUE and DHI are different types of hair transplant techniques that can help you achieve your desired look. However, there are certain differences between the FUE technique and the DHI technique. Therefore, it is important for an individual to know which of these hair transplant techniques is the best solution for a satisfying look. Some of these differences can be summarized as follows: The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, while the DHI method offers a better opportunity to achieve higher density in patients with less severe hair loss. The main distinguishing feature of the DHI method compared to other hair transplant methods is that the DHI technique uses a pen-like medical instrument called the “Choi implanter,” which creates recipient sites and simultaneously transplants the grafts. The FUE method requires patients to have their heads fully shaved before the procedure, while the DHI method only requires the donor area to be shaved. This provides a significant advantage for female patients. The DHI method requires more skill and experience than other hair transplant methods. This, in turn, requires doctors and medical teams to undergo an extended training period to specialize in the use of this technique. The DHI method has a faster recovery period and can be performed with fewer bleedings compared to the FUE method. The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, while the DHI method offers a better opportunity to achieve higher density in less severe cases.

Is a DHI hair transplant a faster procedure than a FUE hair transplant?

In a DHI hair transplant, one step is essentially skipped. The reason for this is that the opening of the channels and the implantation of the hair follicles happen at the same time. Doctors recommend the FUE method for treating larger areas, while the DHI technique is usually employed to achieve higher hair density.

Hair transplant in Turkey

How long should I stay in Turkey for a hair transplant?

For a successful hair transplant, we recommend staying in Istanbul for 2 days. We suggest booking your return flight for the afternoon so that you don’t have to stay an extra day in Istanbul. On the second day in Istanbul, you will have a morning follow-up and explanation, and you can then return in the afternoon or evening. Your contact person will assist you in finding the right flight ticket.

Why are hair transplants so affordable in Turkey?

Turkey is known for performing hair transplants at relatively lower prices compared to other countries. However, this does not mean that their clinics cannot offer services of high quality. The lower costs in Turkey, compared to other developed countries, allow hair transplant clinics to provide more affordable procedures with equal or even higher quality. Even when you add accommodation costs to the billing, it will not reach 50% of the price rate applied in some other countries. It is not surprising that more and more men are interested in traveling to undergo a hair transplant in a foreign country like Turkey, specialized in hair transplantation and hair treatments. For this reason, Turkey has become the ideal destination for many people seeking cosmetic hair surgery or other cosmetic procedures. Turkey is one of the few countries in the world where all health services are provided to individuals under state guarantee. This facilitated the opening of hospitals in all cities of Turkey over the years and hiring thousands of doctors to work in these hospitals. Of course, medical education has developed both at the university level and in practice. Here are some statistics to give you a better idea of the medical sector in Turkey: Approximately 7 billion people live in the world, and 389 thousand people graduate in this field, while Turkey has a population of 80 million people, and 75 thousand students are studying in a hundred medical schools. In Turkey, there are 150 doctors per 100 thousand people, reaching the number of doctors per capita in high-income countries. According to the OECD report, Turkey has more medical graduates per 100,000 inhabitants than Greece, New Zealand, France, and the USA, with an average rate of 10.6 per 100,000 inhabitants. After years of experience, it is certain that patients will find high-quality and effective procedures in terms of treatment style and costs in general. However, these attractive opportunities that Turkey offers for hair transplantation are only valid if the procedure is performed in a reputable clinic with an experienced, qualified doctor, and highly trained medical staff.

Can I travel with an ID card or a passport?

You can travel with either an ID card or a passport; it just needs to be valid for at least six more months!

Which hotel will I stay at during my hair transplant?

You will stay at the 5-star Greenpark Hotel in Istanbul. This hotel is close to our hospital so that you don’t have to spend unnecessary time in the car after your hair transplant.

Do I need to bring anything to the hospital on my hair transplant day?

U wordt aangeraden om met een comfortabele broek en een shirt of blouse die niet over uw hoofd uitgetrokken hoeft te worden mee te nemen/aan te doen. In de ziekenhuis krijgt u steriele bovenkleding aan, uw eigen onderkleding houdt u aan.

Neem uw telefoon mee naar de kliniek, er is is WIFI in de ziekenhuis. Met uw paspoortnummer en naam logt u in. Vergeet niet uw ID of paspoort mee te nemen naar de kliniek.

Can I listen to my own music during the hair transplant with earphones?

Yes, you can. You can wear earphones during your hair transplant and listen to your own music. You can also watch a video or use your phone.

Will I get food (lunch) in the hospital?

Yes, you will receive a hot meal in our hair transplant clinic. This will be provided after the extraction of the hair follicles, approximately midway through your hair transplant day.

Do the surgeons speak my language? (French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic)

No, the surgeons speak Turkish or English. For this reason, a hostess who speaks your language has been appointed. She will translate everything for you. You will not be left alone anywhere without a staff member who speaks your language.


After the hair transplant

Can your body reject a hair transplant?

There are some instances where the physiology of the patient may be responsible for poor hair transplant results. However, this rarely occurs and is often difficult to distinguish from human errors. According to various studies conducted worldwide, a hair transplant being simply “rejected” by the body, when not the result of an external error, is usually caused by Lichen Planopilaris (LPP) after transplantation. LPP is an inflammatory scalp condition that typically results in patchy alopecia. Fortunately, these percentages are low and theoretical in nature. This makes worrying about something like this likely unnecessary. In the hands of an experienced hair transplant surgeon and medical team, hair transplantation is a very safe and successful procedure. But more importantly, the likelihood of the body developing a condition and “rejecting” a hair transplant is extremely low.

How quickly do the scabs disappear after a hair transplant?

From day 7 after the hair transplant, you will hardly have any scabs left, and by day 10, you MUST be completely free of scabs. Our aftercare team will check and monitor this with you.

Why do the scabs have to be removed by day 10?

After your hair transplant, from day 10, the transplanted hairs can start falling out. As long as scabs are present, the hair cannot come out, and dirt can accumulate under the scabs, leading to potential infections.

Seeing hair with roots coming loose during washing, is this a concern?

No, the hairs come loose (with and without hair roots), the hair follicle is intact. The hair follicle will develop a new hair with a root again.

When can I start exercising again after a hair transplant?

You can start light exercises (cardio) after 2 weeks, gradually resume strength training after 3 weeks, and engage in group sports after 4 weeks. Avoid exercising in the first 2 weeks to prevent the loosening of scabs due to sweating, as it may open pores and allow dirt to enter.

When does the growth of the transplanted hair begin?

The transplanted hair can start growing from 3 months after the hair transplant, and you will reach your final result after 6 months to a year. The time to reach the final result varies greatly from person to person.

Can I walk in the sun with my transplanted head?

You are not allowed to be in the sun with your transplanted head for the first 3 weeks. This goes against the healing process. The scalp should not get sunburned either.

The treatment day

Will I be picked up from the airport?

Yes, you will be picked up from the airport by a driver from Mercure Istanbul; he will be waiting for you in the arrival hall. All transfers between the airport, hotel, and hospital will be arranged by this driver who speaks your language. At the hospital, our hostess, who also speaks your language, will take over from the driver.

Will I get food (lunch) in the hospital?

Yes, you will receive a hot meal. You will be provided with this meal after the extraction of the hair follicles, around the midpoint of your hair transplant day.

Can I securely store my personal belongings (wallet, passport, clothing) somewhere in the hospital?

You will be assigned a locker where you can store and secure your personal belongings with a key during the hair transplant procedure.

Do the surgeons speak my language? (French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic)

No, the surgeons speak Turkish or English. For this, a hostess who speaks your language is assigned, and she will be with you at all times.

How will I know what time I will be picked up?

You will receive a message from us via WhatsApp one day in advance. In this message, the pickup time for your hair transplant the next day will be provided. Also, don’t worry, you can contact your designated person whenever you want. We are here for you.

Do I need to consider the clothing I wear during the hair transplant?

Yes, wear something comfortable and consider your upper clothing, like a shirt with a wide neckline, a blouse with buttons, or a zip-up vest. On the hair transplant day, you need to be careful not to damage anything with the clothes you take off; a shirt should not rub over your head during removal.

What should I bring to the hospital?

On the day of the hair transplant, bring your passport, means of payment, phone, and, if you wish, earphones to listen to music on your phone.

Why is blood taken, and am I obligated to do this?

You will undergo a standard blood test to check all blood values. Additionally, a blood sample will be taken for the PRP treatment, which is routinely performed with a hair transplant by us.

What is PRP?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, which means blood plasma that contains a high concentration of platelets and ensures rapid wound healing and blood clotting after your hair transplant.

What is checked in the blood?

For a good and fast recovery, your blood values must be good. White and red blood cells, platelets (clotting) are examined.

How long does the hair transplant take?

On average, you will be in our hospital for the hair transplant for 6 to 8 hours.

What will I receive to take to the hotel after my hair transplant?

After the hair transplant, you will receive a bag with antibiotics, your medications, lotion for washing, and a vitamin package.

Which medication do I have to take, is this included in the price?

You will take antibiotics for 5 days and optionally a painkiller. The medication is included in the price.

Is it possible that I have to pay more afterwards because, for example, more grafts have been used than estimated in the quote?

The prices for our hair transplant are fixed and will not change afterwards. We do not have unnecessary aftercare treatments or costs that we suddenly impose on you. We are clear, transparent, and honest.

Can I go outside the day after my hair transplant (rest day)?

U kunt de dag na de haartransplantatie gewoon naar buiten, kijk even hoe u zich voelt. Blijf uit de zon neem een klein parasolletje mee.

Can I walk in the sun with my transplanted head?

You are not allowed to be in direct sunlight with your transplanted head for the first 3 weeks. This goes against the healing process, and your scalp should not get sunburned.

Can I shower after the hair transplant?

“You can shower after the hair transplant, but be careful with your head, especially in the first few days when the grafts need to settle firmly. On the day of and the day after the hair transplant, only shower from your neck down. On the second day, you come back to the clinic for the first washing, where we will explain how to wash your head for the first 10 days, and we will also do it for you. It’s not complicated, but you need to see it. We explain everything clearly, and you will receive the instructions; don’t worry.